Source code for bottle_gui.bottle_gui

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Interpreter version: python 2.7
# Imports =====================================================================
import json
import inspect
import os.path
from string import Template

import bottle
from bottle import route, static_file, request, response

from napoleon2html import napoleon_to_html

# Variables ===================================================================
TEMPLATE_PATH = "static/templates/"  #: Path to the template directory.

[docs]def read_template(template_name): """ Read content of the template file. Args: template_name (str): Name of the file. Returns: str: Content of `template_name` from :attr:`TEMPLATE_PATH` directory. """ template_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), TEMPLATE_PATH, template_name ) with open(template_path) as f: return # load all necessary templates
INDEX_TEMPLATE = read_template("index.html") #: static/templates/index.html TABLE_TEMPLATE = read_template("table.html") #: static/templates/table.html ROW_TEMPLATE = read_template("row.html") #: static/templates/row.html DESCR_TEMPLATE = read_template("descr.html") #: static/templates/descr.html BLACKLIST = ["/", "/bottle_gui_static/"] # Classes =====================================================================
[docs]class RouteInfo(object): """ Container for informations about `route`. Attributes: method (fn reference): Reference to undecorated function. path (str): Path to the function in bottle. args (list): Args of the function. docstring (str): Docstring for the function. mdocstring (str): Docstring for the module where the function is. module_name (str): Name of the module where the function is. """ def __init__(self, method, path, args, docstring, mdocstring, module_name): """ Attributes method (fn reference): see Attributes section for details. path (str): see Attributes section for details. args (list): see Attributes section for details. docstring (str): see Attributes section for details. mdocstring (str): see Attributes section for details. module_name (str): see Attributes section for details. """ self.method = method self.path = path self.args = args self.docstring = self._sanitize(docstring) self.mdocstring = self._sanitize(mdocstring) self.module_name = module_name def _sanitize(self, s): """ Replace ``<`` and ``>`` with corresponding HTML entities. Args: s (str): Input string. Returns: str: String with entities, or `s` ``if not s``. """ if s: return s.replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;") return s
[docs] def to_html(self): """ Convert informations about this route to HTML. Note: :attr:`DESCR_TEMPLATE` and :attr:`ROW_TEMPLATE` is used. Returns: str: HTML representation of the `route`. """ descr = "" # process docstring if self.docstring: docstring = self.docstring.strip() or "" descr = Template(DESCR_TEMPLATE).substitute( method_description=napoleon_to_html(docstring) ) # wrap arguments to the html args = self.args or "" if args: args_style = "&#8672; &lt;<span class='param'>" args = args_style + "</span>, <span class='param'>".join(args) args += "</span>&gt;" return Template(ROW_TEMPLATE).substitute( name=self.path, args=args, http_type=self.method, method_description=descr )
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Return dictionary representation of the class. This method is used for JSON output. Returns: dict: Dictionary following keys: ``method``, ``path``, ``args``, \ ``docstring``, ``mdocstring``, ``module_name``. """ return { "method": self.method, "path": self.path, "args": self.args, "docstring": self.docstring, "mdocstring": self.mdocstring, "module_name": self.module_name, }
def __str__(self): # TODO: remove return self.method + " " + self.path
[docs]class RouteGroup(object): """ This object is used to group :class:`RouteInfo` objects. Args: routes (list, default []): List with :class:`RouteInfo` objects. """ def __init__(self, routes=[]): self.routes = routes
[docs] def get_path(self): # TODO: shortest path """ Return `path` for this group. Returns: str: Path. """ if len(self.routes) == 1: return self.routes[0].path # get longest path route_paths = map(lambda x: x.path, self.routes) longest_path = max(route_paths) if longest_path.endswith("/"): return longest_path return os.path.dirname(longest_path)
[docs] def get_docstring(self): """ Return 'module' docstring. Returns: str: Module docstring, if defined, or blank string. """ if self.routes: return self.routes[0].mdocstring or "" return ""
[docs] def to_html(self): """ Convert group and all contained paths to HTML. Note: :attr:`TABLE_TEMPLATE` is used. Returns: str: HTML. """ return Template(TABLE_TEMPLATE).substitute( name=self.get_path(), description=self.get_docstring(), rows="\n".join( map( lambda x: x.to_html(), sorted(self.routes, key=lambda x: x.path) ) ) )
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Convert group to dict. This method is used for JSON output. Returns: dict: {path: [routes]} See Also: :meth:`RouteInfo.to_dict` """ return { self.get_path(): map(lambda x: x.to_dict(), self.routes) }
def __str__(self): # TODO: remove return "group: " + " ".join(map(lambda x: str(x), self.routes)) + "\n" # Functions ===================================================================
[docs]def list_routes(): """ Get list of :class:`RouteInfo` objects from bottle introspection. Returns: list: :class:`RouteInfo` objects. """ return map( lambda r: RouteInfo( method=r.method, path=r.rule.split("<")[0], args=r.get_callback_args(), docstring=inspect.getdoc(r.get_undecorated_callback()) or "", mdocstring=inspect.getdoc( inspect.getmodule(r.get_undecorated_callback()) ), module_name=r.get_undecorated_callback().__module__ ), bottle.default_app().routes )
[docs]def group_routes(ungrouped_routes): """ Group list of :class:`RouteInfo` objects in `ungrouped_routes` by their :attr:`RouteInfo.path` properties. Args: ungrouped_routes (list): List of :class:`RouteInfo` objects. Returns: list: :class:`RouteGroup` objects. """ groups = [] # go from longest routes to shorter routes = sorted( ungrouped_routes, key=lambda x: len(x.path), reverse=True ) # group and remove / routes - they would break grouping algorithm later root_paths = filter(lambda x: x.path == "/", routes) if root_paths: groups.append( RouteGroup(root_paths) ) # remove / routes if present map(lambda x: routes.pop(), root_paths) processed = set() for route in routes: # skip already processed routes if route in processed: continue # find all routes, which starts with `route` same_group = filter( lambda x: x.path.startswith(route.path), routes ) # skip routes without groups for later processing if len(same_group) <= 1: # contains always actual route, so <= 1 continue groups.append(RouteGroup(same_group)) processed.update(same_group) # don't forget to uprocessed routes for route in set(routes) - processed: groups.append( RouteGroup([route]) ) return groups
[docs]def to_html(grouped_routes): """ Convert list of :class:`RouteGroup` objects in `group_routes` to HTML. Args: grouped_routes (list): Llist of :class:`RouteGroup` objects. Returns: str: HTML page with routes. """ return Template(INDEX_TEMPLATE).substitute( tables="\n".join( map( lambda x: x.to_html(), sorted(grouped_routes, key=lambda x: x.get_path()) ) ) )
[docs]def to_json(grouped_routes): """ Convert list of :class:`RouteGroup` objects in `grouped_routes` to JSON. Args: grouped_routes (list): Llist of :class:`RouteGroup` objects. Returns: str: JSON representation of `grouped_routes`. """ routes = map( lambda x: x.to_dict(), grouped_routes ) return json.dumps( routes, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ') )
[docs]def gui(path="/"): """ Run `bootle-gui` at given `path`. Args: path (str, default "/"): Bottle path on which the application will be available. Returns: fn reference: Function, which provides the `bottle-gui` functionality,\ mapped to bottle `path`. """ @route(path) def root(): """ Handle requests to root of the project. """ grouped_routes = group_routes( filter(lambda x: x.path not in BLACKLIST, list_routes()) ) accept = request.headers.get("Accept", "") if "json" in request.content_type.lower() or "json" in accept.lower(): response.content_type = "application/json; charset=utf-8" return to_json(grouped_routes) return to_html(grouped_routes) return root
[docs]def get_static(fn): """ Serve static files. """ return static_file( fn, root=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static/') )